Who's Behind This Wonderful Blog You Ask?!

Hi! My name is Danny and I'm the author and photographer here at Over The Hill And On A Roll, a site dedicated to sparking your culinary creativity through mouth watering photography.

I'm a digital photography professor by day and a budding food photographer by night. Finding that my day job limited my creativity, I started OTHAOR to flex my creative muscle and inspire others to elevate their food photographs to the next level.

Are You Interested In Learning About Food Photography?

If you are then head over to my other site, Food Bloggers Unite!  This site is dedicated to food photography and blogging.  Because I've been teaching Digital Photography for over ten years, this site is full of easy to understand tutorials covering everything from lighting and styling, to photoshop and composition.  Why not take look?

Contact Me

Do you have a question, comment, or tip for me? Email me here... overthehill.onaroll@gmail.com