Olive Oil Fried Egg Sandwich with Prosciutto and Parmesan

fried egg sandwich

This is a really simple and delicious breakfast sandwich that is a bit on the decadent side. Actually, I had this for dinner. But whatever. Sometimes when I get home from a long day of teaching the last thing I want to do is cook an elaborate dinner. This is just as delicious with a cup of coffee or a glass of wine.

Fried egg sandwich in second part of post...


1 egg
2 slices of wheat bread
2 thin slices of prosciutto
4 or 5 thin shavings of Parmesan cheese
1 tablespoon mayo
1 tablespoon good extra virgin olive oil


Toast bread until lightly golden. Spread mayo on both slices. Heat olive oil in pan until it begins to smoke and crack egg into pan. Sprinkle with a bit of salt and pepper and cover with a lid so that the yolk partially cooks. I like my yolk a bit runny, but not cold, so I leave it covered for a minute, then touch it with my finger. If it looks runny but is a bit warm, then it's done. If it's still cold, I leave it a bit more.

Once cooked place egg on bread. Add prosciutto and parmesan. Top with other slice of bread and cut in half. Enjoy!
salt and pepper to taste


Anonymous said...

Hungry for this. Great pics by the way!

Anonymous said...

Sounds good.

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